The EncoreEntrepreneurs.com
The Journey of Becoming.

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Just a little as to what I can do for you.
The question was asked of me when I retired from my job of many years, what next.
What I desired was to be relevant in the last chapters of life.
To have purpose and meaning. To feel valued.
I also had a desire to be in a "home based" business.
A business that could assist people to create a joyful, meaningful and prosperous "second act." Many of us have worked for an hourly reward, because we had commitments, we had family, and we had a limited range of options.
Well, that has all changed. Many of us now have time and desire.
Most of us still stay stuck. I wanted to help people to adapt and become unstuck.
Prosperity Coaching.
Prosperity coaching empowers individuals to transform from victims of circumstances to creators of outcomes by overcoming resistance.
By dissolving barriers and fostering action, the equation becomes:
Desire - Resistance = Desired Outcome.
Over time, this formula leads to achieving personal and financial success.
As a Prosperity Coach in your second act, you’re equipped with a wealth of experience and insights.
Guiding others to their fullest potential is your new adventure.
You help them navigate their transitions, turning challenges into opportunities.
This path aligns with your passion for growth and empowerment, making it the perfect next step.
If you have a desire, I will teach you how to BE the person who can DO the activity so as to HAVE what you desire.
Along with the books you will receive an outline of our methodology.