The EncoreEntrepreneurs.com
The Journey of Becoming.
What is wealth Creation?

I am passionate about helping you have confidence, clarity and control over your finances so you can have security and financial freedom.
What more can we want from life!
I’ve spent 20 years working with indigenous communities to empower them to take charge of their well-being. (a lot still to be done.)
To live differently to circumstance.
To make the invisible visible.
Once the finances are taken care of, you can focus on living your best life, knowing that your money is working hard for you.
Have you ever wondered what the formula for a wealthy and abundant life is?
Many people have.
Lots has been written about the subject of wealth creation and living an abundant life.
It was a breaking point in my journey and pursuit of success when I found out that there is a clear path to achieving success in life.
There is a system.
Thanks to those who have shared their journey, we can clearly see and follow the principles of prosperity.
Wealth is the accumulation and possession of money and assets.
Even though you may think it means the same as prosperity, the latter has a broader scope.
Prosperity is about striving and succeeding in all areas of life.
It is an abundant state of mind.
That is why anyone planning on being wealthy should prepare for being prosperous instead.
The Four Pillars of Wealth: Acquire, Protect, Growth, and Passing it Along.
Key Takeaways:
Acquiring wealth involves setting goals, saving diligently, and making informed investment decisions.
Protecting wealth requires risk management, insurance policies, and diversifying investments.
Growth is achieved through shrewd investments, portfolio management, and staying informed about economic trends.
Passing wealth along involves estate planning, trusts, and educating heirs about financial responsibility.
Building and managing wealth is a multifaceted endeavor that involves a strategic approach to ensure financial security and leave a lasting legacy.
The journey to prosperity encompasses four essential pillars:
Acquire, Protect, Growth, and Pass it Along.
Acquiring wealth is the first crucial step.
1. It all starts in your mind.
Wealth creation really begins in the mind with your ideas, visions, ambitions, character, and beliefs.
It is what stops us from creating an outcome.
It stops the vast majority.
You can attract or repel wealth based on your inner thoughts about yourself, money and conception of others.
So that is why you should start working on your mind first.
Disciplining your mind to achieve the life you ultimately deserve and want to live will be the first step towards your prosperous life.
It has been proven that we have a financial blueprint resulting from our inner thoughts and life experiences.
Your life reflects your internal guidance system.
Which can either let money flow to us or stop it.
Once you have cleansed your mind, good things will start pouring into your life.
That is what most say.
It’s also true.
It’s not quite that simple, but it’s where you begin.
But you must have the knowledge.
You must be able to apply the knowledge.
You must understand what the process is that prevents most people.
When you learn how to dissolve that resistance, you will have the ability to become a “creator.”
Our PRAXIS methodology is the process.
Our FREE and On Demand workshop gives you FRAMEWORK.
“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” ~ Wayne Dyer
2. Create wealth.
Now that you have understood the psychological aspect of wealth creation, do not get too hung up on wanting to read all the personal development books in the library or kindle.
Reading is a beginning point.
Knowledge is available.
Gaining the right knowledge is essential.
You need an “action plan” and start creating wealth.
Choosing to start a business or a side hustle will help you tremendously.
Lots of people who have accumulated massive wealth have written about how they did it.
So many options are available to us.
It’s important to choose a system that allows you create wealth.
A system that delivers the result.
Most business will not deliver.
A coaching “business system” will deliver you a 6-figure income.
Coaching alone will get you so far.
The right system will give you leverage and duplication.
Having the right profession will work too, so don’t be disappointed if you have a regular job.
It can also help you achieve wealth. For instance, you can work and still invest in real estate.
But to create wealth is first about overcoming your resistance.
Otherwise, everyone would be wealthy.
3. Manage your wealth:
Once you start making money, you have to be able to keep it.
No matter how profitable you are, you have to learn how to make the most of what you have. Learning and applying principles like saving, investing, and living below your means or paying yourself first is essential to managing your finances.
Focusing on creating, saving, and investing wealth rather than expending makes the difference between rich and poor.
What side do you want to be on?
Planning your purchases and having a budget will help you keep more in your pocket. Then invest what you have saved and use the magic of compound interest by reinvesting all interest or dividends you earn.
The work you put in to enhance your personal qualities and your financial situation is never a waste of time or resources.
Money only magnifies or exhibits what is already inside you, either good or bad.
The Cash Flow Quadrant explains this admirably.
4. Share your fortune:
The ultimate principle of prosperity and abundance is sharing it.
If you are blessed with the fortune of accumulating wealth, you will be expected to use it to inspire or heal your fellow human beings.
For whom much is given, much is required.
I first heard that quote from Oprah Winfrey.
Meaning it is your responsibility to give back.
By closing that cycle of wealth flow, you will achieve true prosperity, abundance, and joy.
We all desire to live a joyful and abundant life.
You can decide to change the world.
It is in your hands.
Although you don’t have to wait until you have lots to start giving and experiencing the joy of changing people’s lives.
If you share when you have little, you will join the flow of wealth soon enough.
Decide to have a prosperous life. It is possible, and you deserve it.
Our business system of wealth creation coaching you have to start where from where you are.
This is your chance to become a Prosperity Coach and build a six-figure income.
Want to know more?
Acquiring wealth is the first crucial step. It involves setting financial goals, diligently saving, and making informed investment decisions.
Whether through entrepreneurship, career advancement, or wise investment choices, accumulating wealth requires discipline and a long-term vision.
Or does it?
Wealth creation strategy.
Q: Is the financial plan of mediocrity -- a dream-stealing, soul-sucking dogma known as "The Slow Lane" your plan for creating wealth?
You know how it goes; it sounds a little something like this:
"Go to school, get a good job, save 10% of your paycheck, buy a used car, cancel the movie channels, quit drinking expensive Starbucks mocha lattes, save and penny-pinch your life away, trust your lifesavings to the stock market, and one day, when you are oh, say, 65 years old, you can retire rich."
This is the traditional concepts of “retiring comfortably”
It works, no denying that.
Unless things and events disrupt your journey.
And for the record, most people’s lives get disrupted.
As Susan said to me one day, I have ended up not where I expected.
That applies to many of us.
Many of us have a story as to what went wrong.
So what happens to mature age people whose lives have been “disrupted” and end up in a “financial place” not where they expected.
Time is not on our side.
We don’t have “time” for the slow lane.
What we have is age.
And age is our new freedom.
It’s the pathway to wealth.
We cannot fool ourselves. The linear approach will only get us so far.
We have to find a process that allows us to “collapse time.”
For those who don't want to "settle-for-less" and a slight chance of a “comfortable retirement”, there is an alternative.
A fast track and a business system that can create a trail to financial independence faster than any road out there.
This system is very visible in the “franchise” world.
Duplication and leverage.
Would you like to be financially independent in 3-5 years?
Rather than the 30 to 40 years even if you have that much time.
I did not have that much time.
My mission is... to teach what I have had to learn, to coach, mentor and guide entrepreneurs on their journey so they can build a massively successful online business and create the freedom to live life on their terms.
Vision: Mindset: Marketing: Systems:
Our process gives you CLARITY: FOCUS: ACTION: and MOMENTUM.
The Time is NOW for you to:
Get clarity around your vision
Create a powerful game plan
Become insanely focused
Take aligned action
Be held accountable
Build up your momentum
Experience massive success in your business
It’s time to turn your dream vision into a reality.
Remember there is more behind us then ahead of us.
AND KNOW THIS: The only thing stopping you is YOU.
It begins with knowledge and conversation.