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Chris Duncan quote:
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The book is Your not Broken.
I have also taken information from David Bayer ( A Changed Mind).
I am just a student of learning. This information has been very beneficial to how I see myself.
The mind is a complex concept that refers to the mental processes, thoughts, and consciousness of an individual.
The mind (mental) is that which thinks, imagines, remembers, wills, and senses, or is the set of faculties responsible for such phenomena.
The mind is also associated with experiencing perception, pleasure and pain, belief, desire, intention, and emotion.
The mind can include conscious and non-conscious states as well as sensory and non-sensory experiences.
Wow… its impressive.
The body, on the other hand, is about the physical aspects of the brain-neurons and how the brain is structured.
The mind-body connections is the area of expertise of others, but the extent to which the mind and the body are separate and or the same thing is critically important for us to accept.
There are different theories that have been put forward to explain the relationship between the mind and the body.
However, the exact location of the mind in the body is still a topic of debate.
The mind-body connection is a complex and fascinating topic that has been studied by many researchers in the field of psychology.
Why is it studied so much?
My belief is that people do so much research into the mind/body connection because most of us don’t know that there is a connection.
The growth of the personal development industry since the beginning of the 19th century has evolved from the awareness of the connection.
Ancient wisdom (the Kyballion), the Koran, the Bible, eastern philosophy, the awareness of the body mind connection has always existed.
While the body is about the physical aspects of the brain-neuron connection and how the brain is structured.
In summary, the mind is a complex concept that refers to the mental processes, thoughts, and consciousness of an individual.
So where is the mind located?
The exact location of the mind in the body is still a topic of debate, and there are different theories that have been put forward to explain the relationship between the mind and the body.
What we can say, with authority, is that you are not your mind.
However, you are controlled by your mind.