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Welcome to the 
The PRAXIS Roadmap.

To create and build a business that you will love and will give you a joyful and abundant life begins by acquiring the knowledge and the skills. 

“One of the most remarkable findings of modern psychology is the extraordinary capacity of human beings to mould the evidence to fit their beliefs rather than the other way around; it is our capacity to believe in spite of the evidence and sometimes in spite of our other deeply held beliefs”.


We encourage you to begin the journey of learning knowledge that is essential to creating a different and new future self.

Our PRAXIS Framework is our road map to success in 12 months. It's all our learning minus the mistakes.

It's a one-page instruction manual that has the support information inside our members area. (we have made that available as well). Consider the Framework and you will have a clear path to follow when you find the courage to take the "path less travelled:



The Book in Three Sentences:

Success can only happen when we confront our mistakes:

More people die from mistakes made by doctors and hospitals than from traffic accidents:

Aviation, on the other hand, has created an astonishingly good safety record because mistakes are learned from rather than concealed.

The Five Big Ideas:

The single greatest obstacle to progress is failing to learn from mistakes.

A cornerstone to success is a progressive attitude to failure.

“Only by redefining failure will we unleash progress, creativity, and resilience.”

“When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs, we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs.”

“Marginal gains are not about making small changes and hoping they fly.

Rather, it is about breaking down a big problem into small parts in order to rigorously establish what works and what doesn’t.”

Are you looking for a solution?    Have a desire to solve a challenge in your life?  Join our members area. It's the library of information that supports your desires. It opens the mind to different ideas. 

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“Start with Why” is a powerful concept introduced by Simon Sinek in his book of the same name. Let’s delve into the essence of this idea:
The Golden Circle:
At the core of “Start with Why” lies the Golden Circle framework. It consists of three concentric circles: 
Why: Represents your purpose, cause, or belief. 
It’s the fundamental reason behind what you do.
How: Describes the process or approach you take to achieve your purpose.
What: Refers to the products, services, or actions you offer.
The Power of Why: 
That was what I had to answer for me.
Why would I start an online business at a mature age?
Why would I start anything at this age?
Well, I had a problem. 
I had a pain point. 
Several pain points.
The vast majority of people who are looking for a solution have a pain point. 
They want something different.
Some want the income….
Some want less work stress….
Some want to feel powerful and alive….
I wanted all of the above.
I wanted (my why) to be a combination of income and time freedom. 
To live a joyful and abundant life.
Nothing unusual about that. 
Most people I know want that.
What do you want?
Actually, more to the point why do you want what you do not have now.
Desire – resistance = desired result (over time).
Simple but very true formula.
The challenge is to learn how to remove resistance.
Well in my case, I had plenty of time (all my working life) to create my desired outcome.
Yet here I was, not experiencing that desired life.
How about you?
The first step is to clarify your desired outcome.
What do you want and why do you want it.
Are you like us and wanting a joyful and abundant life?
A life of time and money freedom.
Or are you just thinking money (please don’t give money the power, as money is just a measurement, a measurement of the value you provide to a business or a client)
We desired the flexibility (we had been away from home a lot)
We desired a different experience in life.
“We want it all and we want in now” (song by Queen)
Unfortunately, it rarely if ever happens that way.
It took us a while of focused attention, of intentional learning and of overcoming ourselves.
We needed a coach to assist us.
Most people do (or they would already have what they desire…)
You need to have three concepts: 
Right vehicle: right product: and importantly Right You:
Do I have your interest?
In summary, “Start with Why” encourages us to look beyond the surface and understand the deeper motivations driving our actions. 
When you have a clear understanding of WHY you want to achieve your dreams, the WHAT and the HOW will follow.
Discovering and articulating your WHY can transform how you lead, communicate, and inspire others.
If you have a desire to 
A)    Have a joyful and abundant life
B)    Have a flexible online business (no stock, no MLM, no shop etc.)
C)    High Value solution (i.e. profitable)
D)    And most importantly a WHY you want to do this
We have put together our PRAXIS framework to give you a clear and direct pathway to follow.
I have met people who have succeeded within 3 months (unusual for most) or 3 years (like us and not usual either) or many more who give up (usual for most).
The PRAXIS framework is our road map minus our mistakes. 
It’s a 12-month plan for you to create success in your endeavour.
Life brings many opportunities that can be masquerading as something else.
When you stop making assumptions about what an event, experience or activity will be like, you may just find yourself stepping into a new Jetstream where you discover the best outcomes of your life.
I have been fortunate to see what makes some people live big bold dreams, while others watch on wishing they could curate a different past or a more fulfilling future.
I have learned to understand how decision making and risk-taking influence our lives and achievements.
Those who succeed at some point have dipped their toes into the unknown (as we had to) because we were seeking more from our lives by exploring new information to create a new future.
My life experiences have taught me much:  life is complicated, rarely linear, short, and painfully short for some, and many of us end up at a point in time where we did not expect to be.
For many of us there is probably very little that has happened that we could have predicted. 
But we have survived.
Whether you’re planning for a different career, developing a more impactful legacy, or just wanting to step into your new future with confidence, the tools to create a new future for yourself are here.
“Whichever route you take, expect a struggle. 
Finding work you love is very difficult. 
Most people fail. 
Even if you succeed, it's rare to be free to work on what you want till you are of a mature age.
But if you have the destination in sight, (the WHY and the WHAT) you'll be more likely to arrive at it. 
If you know you can love work, you're in the home stretch, and if you know what work you love, you're practically there.” 
“There are three ingredients in great work: 
natural ability, practice, and effort. 
You can do pretty well with just two, but to do the best work you need all three: 
you need great natural ability and to have practiced a lot and to be trying very hard.”
— Paul Graham.
The first step is to identify how you react when faced with new or uncertain situations. Do you embrace change or are you fearful.
Are you open to new ideas, new people, and new ways of thinking?
Or do you currently suffer from H. O. A. (hardening of attitude).
Who is the person you have become when they celebrate your end of life?
If you’re ready, grab this PRAXIS framework of thinking.
It’s a road map to a new “future you.”
In the book “Choose Yourself” by James Altucher sums it up:
“The world is changing. No longer is someone coming to hire you, to invest in your company, to sign you, to pick you. 
It’s up to you to make the most important decision in your life: 
“Choose Yourself”.
You build a house by laying a solid foundation: by building physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Success comes from continually expanding your frontiers in every direction—creatively, financially, spiritually, and physically. 
Always ask yourself, what can I improve? 
Who else can I talk to? 
Where else can I look?”
We encourage you to “choose yourself” and have a look.
Why our age is our new freedom.
The world of possibility is open.
Bruce and Dorothy. 

Join our members area.

It has the resources to support the roadmap. The member's area is the key to the PRAXIS Framework, its the library of knowledge that we must embrace if you desire a new future and different future.


How to build your own business and replace your salary BEFORE you leave your 9-5.


This is the proven framework we have used to build a six-figure side business from scratch. Minus our mistakes it's a 12-month journey to true financial freedom.

Information and learning how to apply the information will transform your life.

What you will find inside the members area.

This is our university of knowledge.

Knowledge that we needed to learn and apply to our thinking process that allowed us to get through our limiting beliefs and other issues.

People write books to solve problems.

People buy books to solve problems.

We want to share this information.

This is just a sample of the quality of information within.

Reading books listening to podcasts, and You tube videos has provided us with a wealth of knowledge that we have found to be great foundational learning.

The Coaching Story.

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We want you to feel very comfortable to become a member. We are not here to sell you on our choices, but to provide a friendly and secure area to gather information. 

The purpose of the members area is to provide content.

The idea of having an email address is to allow correspondence between us. You will receive some regular updates from us plus any new ideas that may come our way. As proactive people, we don't make cold calls etc.

If you desire more information, it will be up to you to contact us.

Content is just information.

It's the ability to apply the information to your life so that it is of benefit to you.

Application of knowledge = Personal Power.

new information: new thoughts: new feelings: new behaviour: new actions: new results:


Hi, I am Bruce Ross and with my wife Dorothy, and just like so many others, we were looking forward to the next chapter in our lives.

We wanted a joyful and abundant life.

I was not ready to retire but wanted to re-fire.

I had no desire to “seen” as retired.

I am, from my perspective anyway, vibrantly alive and wanting more.

I have found most people are settling in certain areas of life.

They’ve stopped dreaming, stopped going for it, and settled into predictable patterns.

Well, that is not me.

I was looking for something that was not a job, but something that would allow me to feel powerful and alive.

To give me meaning and purpose.

I wanted my life to have meaning, I desired to leave a legacy for my children and grandkids.

I wanted to live as many lifetimes as possible in this one.

Having read the book...You're Not Broken by Cristopher Duncan I decided to embrace these four concepts to reorient myself:

They are:

I choose to live my true nature and purpose.

I choose to be the predominant creative force in my life.

I choose to live a life I love.

I choose to be healthy and vital.

I did not want a hobby; I desired more abundance in my life for sure.

Like many others the addition of an extra stream of income, whether it be large or small, is always welcome.

If part-time and flexible hours is of interest to you register with our work with a coach program.



Join the members area for access to lots of free training and information.

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This book has become the most read book in my library.

However, the sad truth of the coaching industry is that many of the most caring people give up after a time because they can’t make enough money to survive and thrive.

Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin are on a mission to give every coach the chance to succeed on their own terms, and they do it with a directness and humor that makes learning fun.

“Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler are business thought leaders who count.

They shatter the myth that you can’t create a decent income whilst making a big impact on people’s lives.

The Prosperous Coach will help you create a new story that when you and your clients find joy, meaning and emotional connection you can feel inspired and make money.”

In this book “The Prosperous Coach” Rich and Steve have written a fantastic field guide for creating a successful coaching practice.

This book is full of hard-won insights and practical distinctions.

Whether you already have a thriving practice or have been struggling to find clients until now there are gems here for you.”

In our exclusive members area, we have made available the key points of this book and many other valuable insights to allow you to decide if becoming a consultant/coach/entrepreneur is for you.

Decisions require quality information.

The member’s area is providing quality information.

Remember our concept:

Start small, start slowly but start.

Take the first small step.

Bruce and Dorothy.


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