The Journey of Becoming.
The Bruce and Dorothy Story.
Let us introduce ourselves.
We are Mature age couple who were looking to create a different future.
Bruce is the coach while Dorothy does the admin.
Read our story below.
You can download the FastTrack Framework at the bottom of the page and access our FREE training portal.
We are a service-based business.
We provide a range of services which include coaching, training, and marketing.
We also have an online education portal.
Are you interested in 10X of your results this year?
I’m sure you’ll agree that if our Value Proposition offers a measurable and significantly better transformation that’s delivered faster, simpler, and easier and is more relevant to your needs,
and can also demonstrate a significantly better return on your investment than other options,
and gives you 10 X return on your investment,
then you’ve just got to have a conversation with us.
This is for you if you are interested in learning more about our Beyond Freedom concepts and how our business works.
When you fill in the form, you will also have access to our members training and education portal. Its the library that supports the PRAXIS Framework.
Bonus: join our exclusive members area and have access to a wealth of information.
This is our library to support the Praxis Methodology. This includes the most essential resources to create success.
1) The Prosperous Coach by Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin. This is a must for anyone considering working with people.
2) Leadsology: by Tom Poland. A proven and successful formula for creating leads for your business.
Quote from the book "However, as mentioned previously, I’ve written this book specifically for Coaches, Consultants, Advisors, Teachers and Trainers, and anyone else who offers a Service.
You will benefit greatly from this book if you possess a strong determination to set up Leadsology® systems that will keep your Pipeline full of fresh, inbound, highly qualified leads and enquiries.
If that sounds like you, then please be warned that achieving this objective is neither simple nor easy unless you have the know-how.
In that regard, think of it as being a bit like trying to crack open a highly secure safe.
It’s neither simple nor easy until you have the combination.
This book will give you the know-how.
Its available in our members area.
Our Story Page.
I like to keep things simple.
After 20 years of working in the indigenous world, over a variety of activities, I was tired and burnt out, the long hours, the commute, the isolation (I worked with remote communities and it had taken toll.
I decided to take an early retirement, because I had no desire to actually work for someone else again.
In my previous life I have spent 20 plus years working with indigenous communities to “overcome their circumstances” and as a result I have developed a unique set of skills.
These skills can be learned, and what I have come to realise is that most of us have the same basic skills plus we all have developed our own unique set of skills during this time.
These skills, and the knowledge I have learned have been transferred to this “workshop” so that you will have the framework to design your future into what you want it to be.
I desired the freedom and flexibility to enjoy our new life, whilst still being productive and financially independent.
I still desired to be creative, so we started our own coaching and consulting business: (brucerossconsulting and
So, I went into business on my own, in areas I love, coaching, understanding culture and leadership.
However, I found to achieve the financial results that I longed for, I was back working longer hours and with greater stress, and once again travelling to remote parts of Australia.
Having always had an interest in personal development, developing leadership capabilities, making the invisible visible, and a belief that as long as we take the time to learn the concepts of what keeps us stuck, and learn how to apply those concepts to our lives, we can achieve whatever it is we wish for, not all at once but everything becomes possible.
I still desired to continue to make a difference, working where and when I wanted, whilst achieving a similar or greater level of income.
I was a brand-new coach in my 60s and had no idea how I would find clients or business partners, or how a coaching business would set me free.
I just knew I could help others and as a result myself.
Thats the concept of if you help enough people, you will get what you desire.
I knew I wanted to be a coach and help others, but I was skeptical about the fact that I was older and starting a different version of a career.
So here I was, brand new and afraid.
One of the concepts we teach is to accept your limitations. It is how you begin to understand you.
“Moshe Feldenkrais a physicist and judo master who spent years studying how people learn, said, “Willpower is necessary only where the ability to do is lacking.”
To him, the more capable you are, the less you need to convince yourself that you can do something you do not, in fact, have the ability to do.”
The other is to develop your actual abilities, capacity, and experience.
When we contrast belief vs. ability, ability wins almost all the time, because it is based in reality—not fiction, not faith, not conviction. Belief and ability are not related in that they can exist separately from each other.
We focused on learning.
We invested in many lessons and marketing strategies, which we could not get to work for us.
We also discovered that many other late bloomers were struggling to create their desired outcomes.
They had many of the same challenges that we had had to overcome.
We had to understand the concept of structure.
We live in a structured universe, we are brought up in our structured family and community, we are educated in a structured way and live in a society of structure.
We have been conditioned to follow the existing structured way of thinking.
We, generally we have been educated and conditioned as to what to think, not how to think.
University is probably where you learn how to think.
So our thinking becomes structured.
Success does not care what you think or feel about yourself….it just measures a result.
Money does not care about how you feel about yourself.
Money is a measurement of value.
How much value you provide to others who are willing to pay.
The concepts we hold about ourselves are linked to identity.
Your identity equals the subject of the statement???
Who we think we are……. we are??
Who you think you are changes in different circumstances.
Your identity is flexible.
We found that there is so much information out there (much of it confusing and contradictory), we went back to the basics.
So, we created this product methodology because we know it works.
If we were one to one, I could prove it to you.
But consider this, having worked with welfare-based communities for over 20 years, I can say without a shadow of doubt, we have not been able to create significant and long-lasting change for the majority.
The same challenges exist for all of us who wish to create more.
The reason is that we don't address all of the human elements that contribute to behaviour.
Intuitively, we all know “how to”
We know how to in almost all of the essentials of life.
We just don’t do it.
Once you understand why you don’t, the doing comes automatically.
So why do we say one thing but do another.
So, why do we say let's do this, but cannot persuade the body to follow? (diets exercise etc.)
Most coaching programs, or at least the one I have invested in, do not address the whole framework.
What we have done is put together a range of different methodologies that together address the bigger picture.
Are you ready to Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential.
Do you desire to experience a joyful and abundance in your life?
To have meaning and Purpose?
To feel powerful and alive?
Are you a late bloomer who dreams of building a successful business?
Do you believe it’s never too late to pursue your passion and create a thriving venture?
If so, my FastTrack Framework Coaching methodology is tailor-made for you!
What Is the FastTrack Coaching Framework?
The FastTrack Framework methodology is a comprehensive roadmap designed to accelerate your entrepreneurial journey.
It provides practical strategies, actionable steps, and personalized guidance to help you overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and achieve your business goals.​
Ready to FastTrack Your Entrepreneurial Journey?
Remember, it’s never too late to bloom!
Be like a pomegranate:
It goes through many different stages before it bears fruit, but when it does it’s bountiful.
What I needed was the self-belief that I was worthy of being a successful coach at my age, an offer that felt good “to me,” and the tools for how to sell it online.
So, I did exactly what I’m teaching you in our system and have been signing high paying clients every month since.
Would you like to be able to do this?
I now have the time and resources to enjoy my family, love of travel, musical theatre, exercise, (because I must) fine food and wine.
To live a joyful and abundant life. A life that gives us meaning and purpose.
If you're looking for a way to create your own joyful and abundant life, a life that gives you meaning and purpose in this the next chapters in your book of life,
If you are a self-motivated coachable person and have the energy to devote to a new venture, and really do want to learn how it’s possible for you to have your “dream life” now.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying life is easy or that we’ve got everything figured out.
But I do think we’ve all learned valuable lessons throughout the years, and we can use them to our advantage now.
We can package our learnings, mistakes, failures and success into leadership development and coaching business.
“Successful men and women of all the ages have learned to multiply themselves by gathering thought energy into a high potential and using it in the direction of the purpose intended.
It’s very possible, and highly probable, that you can create a joyful and abundant life, one with meaning and purpose, a life that makes you feel powerful and alive.
Question? What experience do you want to have for the rest of your life?
We have a very simple process. It's based on the PRAXIS concept.
What is PRAXIS? Its firstly having an understanding that to create the desired result you desire in life, you have to be different. Why, because otherwise you would have it already.
That starts with gaining knowledge. Our members area represents the library of new knowledge. Once you begin with new knowledge you can then look at the methods, your capabilities and your competency.
They work in tandem.
Our journey to create the outcome you desire is a process. Starting with basic knowledge, we then move to the Path of Least Resistance
followed by the concepts explores in the book ELEVATE, (a step by step to create a master plan for success. From there we undertake a train the trainer process which leads into your Mastery (level 1) of personal growth. Your life Beyond Freedom is the ultimate step.
If you're interested in our business model and the products and marketing training is a conversation. After the conversation you will have a link to our on-demand business presentation.
The links are below.
Take the first step and download the PRAXIS FRAMEWORK (no opt-in required) and join the members area.
Fill in the form.
The journey to become starts with overcoming.
Today: We live a joyful and abundant life, filled with meaning and purpose and have a consistent income.
We work a little, play a lot, enjoy our grandkids (whilst they still want to know us) and so the last chapters have meaning for us.
This Business is for you if...
You have struggled to create the life of your dreams.
(When you understand our process, you will understand what has held you back, and more importantly to turn knowledge into doing.
Are you are approaching or navigating midlife, feeling unfulfilled in your current career and you desire a more meaningful path where you are working for you?
You are an aspiring entrepreneur, dreaming of starting your own coaching or consulting business in midlife, but unsure of how to make it a reality?
You are ready to experience time freedom, work from home or anywhere in the world? (Who doesn’t want that?)
You want to monetize your life experiences, skills and gifts and become a coach / mentor so you can help others!
Are you a personal growth junkie, read all the books but still haven't been able to make the breakthrough? but you’re passionate about self-improvement, and you want to empower others with the knowledge and wisdom you’ve acquired?
Well, this is your vehicle.
When you fill in the Form to begin your Journey of overcoming to become you will be given instant access to Our members area, our free training portal.