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Knowledge: Praxis: Discipline:

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You can BE anything Do anything Have anything.
with the right skillset and knowledge.

What Motivates Encore Entrepreneurs?

The ranks of the encore entrepreneurs are growing steadily. A variety of paths bring men and women to their decision to start a business at 50 years of age or older. Here are some of the primary reasons people are choosing to become encore entrepreneurs.

For many people becoming an entrepreneur has been a lifelong aspiration. For whatever reasons they felt they needed to put their entrepreneurial longings on the shelf in their earlier years of adulthood.

Perhaps they wanted to develop expertise in a particular field before they went out on their own.

Perhaps they wanted the assurance of a steady paycheck while the children were still at home.

There are scores of reasons why some have waited until later in their career to build the business of their dreams.

That was us.

Looking for a part-time income producing activity.

Is this for you?

Yes or No answers:

Q1: do I want to live the rest of my life as I do today?

Q2: Am I willing to “do Something” that is, be willing to learn what I must learn so that I can BE who I must be, so that I can DO the activity to HAVE what I want?

Q3: are you willing to pay someone who can get you the result you desire?


What did you answer?

If you answered no and yes and yes, this will be of benefit.

If you said no to all, this is not for you.

This high rated workshop will provide a comprehensive framework for individuals seeking to enhance their lives and achieve their full potential.

You can access it here for free for a short time.



To start a one-person coaching business from scratch and be profitable very quickly.

Before you read on, it's essential to be aware that being a good coach is not the same as being able to start or run a coaching business.

Less than 24% of coaches are able to sustain

themselves and focus on coaching full-time.


Only a coaching business system (not just coaching) gives you the FREEDOM


to coach from anywhere, travel often, live comfortably, touch many lives, and be rewarded and recognized for it.

This distinction is the most important one for you to sustain yourself as a coach and achieve your life goals through coaching.

Our highest-rated course lays the necessary foundations for this for you.

It will explain what has held you back and the skills to go forward.

This is a paid course but you can register for FREE for a limited time here.

You will also receive the “blue print” as devised by Coach Foundation to allow you to model a path that has been travelled by others.

Hi, I’m Bruce Ross, a business and personal growth coach, experienced in business development, and marketing.

Personal growth and success are the mental space from where you get what you want and continue to want what you have.

In my previous life I have spent 20 plus years working with indigenous communities to “overcome their circumstances” and as a result I have developed a unique set of skills.

These skills can be learned, and what I have come to realise is that most of us have the same basic skills plus we all have developed our own unique set of skills during this time.

These skills, and the knowledge I have learned have been transferred to this “workshop” so that you will have the framework to design your future into what you want it to be.

Will this “workshop” be of value to you?



If you desire to have a “different outcome” for your current reality and your default future, application of this knowledge will give you the skills and the business system to be able to create a profitable par-time coaching business.

Why coaching and consulting is the best online business to start now.

Starting a coaching business can be a rewarding path!

You can start small, and you can start slowly.

But you must start.

There is more behind us than ahead of us.

The How To is explained here.



You can start a coaching business small because it has:


Easy Entry: Unlike some professions (such as law or medicine), coaching doesn’t require extensive certifications. While recognized certification is desirable, it’s not mandatory.

It does require certain learnable skills.

Low Startup Costs: You can start a coaching business with minimal investment and basic equipment.

Diverse Niches: Coaching covers a wide range of niches, including health, career, relationships, personal finance, business, productivity, spirituality, sports, life, and parenting. This diversity allows you to find your unique area of expertise.

High Earning Potential: people pay well for results.

An online business does not need a set location, but there is much more to the world of online success.

There needs to be transparency.

It’s obvious that many consumers fail at many types of business.

Check out the internet and you will find disgruntled people for every business and business model.

These are obviously from people who choose to blame others for their mistakes.

Yet many people succeed in those very business.

It’s obvious that people need “something” that elevates them from failure to success.

It’s not the business model itself, it’s the challenges within the person.

Strategies and tactics will play a crucial role in your journey to a coaching career & income, as well as the freedom and personal impact that comes with it…

However, they can only get you so far.

As Tony Robbins famously said, success leaves clues…
And what he meant is the people that become the most successful share common traits and mindsets.

We go beyond just making a transaction, we empower people to BE more.

Our partners and team members are all involved.

We endeavour to do what’s best for our clients, our community and our business partners.

Business can be leveraged as a multiplier of good.

So, let’s talk about the road blocks.

Why do so many struggle to create a result that makes the effort worthwhile.

To be successful in life and business requires certain skills and attitudes.

Trying to bootstrap your way to a profitable business will cost you massive time, energy, and income. (Ugh!)

I know. That’s what it cost us.

We invested in many, many programs.

We had no clear direction of who or how we could use our skills.

There came a point in time where I decided to make it real.

Real for me to experience.

My aim was threefold:

1) Change the way I ran my business.

2) Increase my quality of life.

3) Make a lot more money.

Model what works was my new motto.

Model the successful people in my industry.

Because at the end of the day, launching a thriving business does take focus and commitment.

Many of us struggle, and unfortunately more people fail than succeed, so I have created a free workshop education to share with you what's really going on beneath the hood as to why this is happening.

Why do I know this?

Because I’m just like you…I was stuck at a level, both personally, financially and in my business.

And I was not “comfortable” with that.

I did not feel good.

And I wanted to feel good inside.

The goal of is not to just make money (although that is essential) but to assist people and business to progress.

Time is precious. We have more behind us than ahead.

Here's What You'll Get in Your Free workshop.



All the education I have acquired.

The concepts and training that you must apply to your life.

This has allowed me to make progress.

From how to decide, to understanding the difference between potential and identity, from being a problem/solution person to becoming a creator.

To persuade the body to follow the mind.

Understanding the empowering dynamics of life, to creating and applying knowledge.

By understanding and applying pathways, individuals can create a balanced approach to personal growth that encompasses mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

This high rating paid course is available FREE here.

It’s on demand and 6 short videos to give you a good overview.

You can watch them at your leisure and decide if this is worth investigating further.

The Unexpected Journey: Embracing The Unknown.

You will never ever know if you do not ever go.

“We often fixate on the visible and exciting, overlooking that most success comes from consistently doing the mundane, unglamorous work that few notice.

The 98/2 Rule: people spend 98% of their time talking about flashy things that contribute only 2% to the results, while overlooking the fact that 98% of the results come from consistently doing the boring basics that few notice.

Ask yourself:

Does the attention you give to something truly reflect its true importance?”

Are you looking to create a better outcome for yourself?

If so, this is for you.

If your personal career/ small business career is not yet what you want it to be, it may be that no real clarity about what result you intend to produce is the biggest problem you have, and the first problem that needs to be solved.

You may know how.

But there must be a "WHY."

The “really really want to” is missing.

Your life/business requires more than a strong intention to succeed.

It requires you to be aware of the decisions you make on a daily basis that prevent you taking the daily actions. 

A person must have both the “how to” and the “want to” to succeed.

Both traits can be taught, and both can be learned.

The want to is often the most important component of your success,

especially if it’s missing!

To succeed at anything, you have to want it.

But most people overlook this simple fact.

And when they are confronted about the fact that their actions suggest that they don’t really want to succeed, they get very depressed.

They believe there is something wrong with them.

But there is nothing wrong with them.

We are all very capable!

All they need is for their level of desire

to get a tune-up.

Anyone can do it.

We keep proving that.

Desire and intention are living, growing, ever-changing energy sources inside you.

You can learn to continuously grow them to any degree you want.

You can learn to motivate yourself to whatever degree of energy and enthusiasm you choose.

Outside events have nothing to do with it.

Personal history has nothing to do with it.

It lives at the level of choice.

You have the power to choose it.

 Without the desire, no system—no matter how brilliant—can work.


Desire + No Resistance=Desired Result.


Sounds so simple but when I first heard that I was not a believer.

However, when I was struggling to live a joyful and abundant life, I knew I had to find the answer for us.

This statement is just so true.

No matter what your current circumstances are, you can move forward to live a joyful and abundant life.

It's a simple process to dissolve the resistance, but it does take being willing to accept that you are the creator of everything in your life. Yes, stuff happens, but we must take 100% responsibility for how we process and manage going forward.

It's simple but not necessarily easy.

​The Journey of Becoming is about you learning to overcome.



Hi my is Bruce Ross and

"we move people into action."

"to overcome to become."

from circumstances to creators.


To Become the Investor.

to go from working for money to have money working for you.


To have both time and money freedom for you and your legacy.


But let me very honest here...this journey is an "inside out process."

You must be "wanting" something more in your life.

To lead a life of fulfillment, to honour your dreams, connect with your personal "Hero's Journey."

Playing with your phone, binging on a steaming service during these productive years of your life will not help you build the kind of life that is unattainable to most.

The Client Journey from "where you are to where you want to be" requires effort.

 It's a Journey.


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Why do I Coach?


People write books and courses to solve problems.

People buy books to solve problems.

Fact: Books and course sales are a multi-billion-dollar business.

Fact: very few of these buyers succeeded.

Most just cannot persuade the body to do what the mind is thinking.

Most people work from the outside in.

Most people work from their current circumstances.

Most people do not accept that they must BE before they can DO and can only HAVE as the end result of those actions.

But, and there is always a but,




Your WANT and your WHY must be strong enough to OVERCOME the resistance.

To avoid The Dreaded Drama triangle (the victim role) and learn to live in The Empowering Dynamic triangle (being a creator) requires support.


A Coach who understands this concept.

As Encore Entrepreneurs we had a lot to learn.

If you are a willing learner, we can help.

Our focus is on sharing concepts that are designed to shorten the runway to success.

When we made the decision that coaching others was our way forward, we then had to decide on what type of coaching business.

We are Prosperity and Business coaches.

What does that mean?



A professional Business Coach who creates and oversees strategies that help people achieve goals.

 We use psychological and behavioral insights to make recommendations for individuals striving to succeed in a certain area of life.

Do you want the tools and strategies to improve habits, enjoy better communication, enhance performance and achieve satisfaction in all areas of your life.

That is what appealed to us.

This is how we help other people put their knowledge and skills to be able to create a joyful and abundant life.


Vision: Mind Frame: Marketing: Systems:


Vision:  People desire not only a clear vision of their end goal but also a defined path to achieve it. This concept of clarity is central to creating meaningful change in one’s life. It underpins the teachings of great masters, principles of neuroscience, and tenets of behavioral psychology.


Mind Frame: Applying the BE DO HAVE concepts. Understanding the structures of your brain is how thoughts are processed. They become Habitual.


Marketing: Direct Response Marketing. Learning the science of why people respond to certain words and phrases.


Systems: How systems are critical for your benefit of owing a business. Understanding small startup, scale and exit strategies so that you can receive residual income from your business.


 Is this for you?

Over 50 and looking for a new challenge, looking to thrive and prosper, to feel powerful and alive? 


Hi, I’m Bruce – I found myself over 50 (actually nearer to 60) and wondering what next.


In the book, Something to Live For, a new conversation begins between its authors and the readers.

Something to Live For.

A Life with Purpose.

Your Mission in Life.

Finding Your Vocation.


It’s about finding and enjoying a new way in the second half of life.


I had left my full-time career but was not ready for retirement.

I don’t think I will ever be ready to "retire".

I still longed to be productive and add value, but on my terms.

I wanted time for me, to take long walks, to spend time with family and grandkids, and friends. 

To pursue my love of travel.

I live my life by a compass, not a clock.


Don’t Want to Retire?

Why You Should Start a Business in Your 60s

or at any age.

Entrepreneurs are stereotypically thought of as young, bold upstarts whose instincts and energy make up for their lack of life experience.

In reality, though, entrepreneurship is higher among older generation.

And for good reason:

We tend to have more work experience, industry knowledge, supportive networks, and access to startup funding.

Coming to a point in your career where you’re unsatisfied, burned out, and unsure what to do can be tough.

Retirement may not be the answer for you either – reaching a particular age doesn’t have to mean the end of your work life.


It can mean the beginning of your "DREAM LIFE."

Do you have a vision of your dream life?

Most people settle.

Self-employment can take many forms:

from opening your own new business or startup to taking on consulting, coaching, or freelancing work as a sole trader.

Growing numbers of older adults are choosing to start their own business at retirement age, finding a new direction and a refreshed passion for doing what they love.


What are the benefits of starting a business as a 60+ year-old?

Starting your own business means that you can focus on the projects you’re passionate about, the clients you hope to serve, and developing the skills that are most relevant and interesting to you.

Small business owners who follow their passions are more likely to get a sense of satisfaction and meaning from their careers.

You’re more enthusiastic and motivated about your work, and less likely to burn out from boredom, stress, or anxiety.


Getting a business off the ground is difficult at first and may require many hours of research, preparation, marketing, and tough work.

Its why we have put a wealth of information inside our members area.




In the long run though, being your own boss means that you ultimately can govern your own schedule.

You can have greater workplace flexibility, deciding when and where you work; you can also improve your work/life balance by setting up your own boundaries between work, family, leisure, and rest.


In these challenging times this has become even more important to me, and I am glad I came across this business a few years ago.


I had some idea as to what I was looking for, and I had a feeling that I would succeed in this business, because I loved personal development and supporting others. 


I love to teach.


Teaching others has been at the core of my values for as long as I can remember.

I have spent 20 years teaching people that your circumstances do not have to define your life.

So, I jumped in and did the work.

It has and continues to give me a lot more than I ever could have imagined.

I get to work a flexible schedule, surrounded by people who believe in personal growth, and I am financially rewarded for my efforts.

The online business world has changed the landscape for mature age people who desire:

To be creative,

To be involved,

To feel powerful and alive,

To be of service to others.


To Make a full-time income with part-time hours.


If you desire full-time income with part-time hours, this could be your solution also.

Basically, I feel like I am living a “retired” life, but still being productive.


The four core needs of place, people, work, and purpose are met.


Are you looking for the next best step to your future self? 


I encourage you to take the first step.

Visit the resource center for information that will assist you in deciding on your next best step. 

Knowledge by itself is the first step. 

It creates awareness.

Information is what opens the doorway to personal transformation and who you are "being" in life.

Learning how to apply the knowledge to create your desired future self will require you to be coachable.

Application of knowledge = personal power.

What has gotten you here won’t get you there.


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Over three decades working across a diverse range of people, business models and training industries, I have become a very experienced and respected business consultant, coach and trainer.

A specialist in the “art of business”, I love to assist people who "have a dream".

To live a joyful and abundant life.

To have a fulltime income with part-time hours.

As a passionate coach and trainer, I go to the root causes of your resistance, the reasons you do not have it already, and work with you to implement necessary change quickly and efficiently.

I also nurture your self-confidence, leadership, and business skills to equip you personally to face business challenges and enable you to better balance your work and family time.

The result is business and personal success without sleepless nights and anxiety-filled hours away from your family.

Our team understands the significance of family in all businesses.

As a husband and father of three children, grandparent to five fabulous children, I appreciate that most people, business owners and executives are ultimately working to ensure their families are safe and thriving.

To live a joyful and abundant life.

Working with you to overcome challenges and realise personal abundance, he will never forget the need to balance business and coaching success with love of family.

Working with Bruce can feel tough at times.

I will challenge your long-held beliefs, provide feedback you’d rather not hear and hold you to account. 


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