The Journey of Becoming.
The questions you should consider. If you have the courage, write your answers on a page and send it to us.
We would love to assist you to remove your resistance to living a joyful and abundant life.
Let's examine who you think you are.
You are looking for a solution to your financial future:
You need a cause or business opportunity to make that real for you.
You want time and money and freedom.
Flexibility with your business.
You are not after a job.
What Do you aspire To Be/Have/Achieve (vision)
Have more clients?
Make more money?
Have more free time?
A business that works for them?
More time with family?
Feel proud of the business and what they have created.
How Do you Finish
“If Only I Could Just…........................”
When I was growing up, money was __________.
(example: hard to make, the reason why my dad wasn't around, the source of evil, etc.)
You might have one answer…you might have a handful…
But whatever you wrote down is probably how money is for you today.
And the truth is that your ability to earn income, generate wealth, and attract abundance into your life… Is being BLOCKED right now by the beliefs you formed about money at an early age…
That has been passed down, generation after generation, by your family.
If you thought money was hard to make when you were growing up, you're probably struggling to make as much as you'd like now…
What is the Vehicle / Opportunity (BIG IDEA):
A profitable online business that I can do from wherever I am.
Ideally, I want better than a full-time income with part-time flexible hours.
What is Biggest Problem stopping you?
What resistance do you have to being a successful online business owner.
Usually is a belief.
Convictions are difficult to change.
Don’t try to change it, just ask will this belief help me fulfill my vision?
Do other people have a different belief?
Internal Struggle/ Resistance v moving forward.
What Are the Mistakes that Caused This Problem:
The reason you are looking for a solution.
Do you take 100% responsibility for creating the solution?
Do you accept that the issue has happened, and you must let it go.
What are your Objections?
Why this will or won’t work for you.
What is the ONE Big Belief you must have to believe that I am the person to assist you.
How do I convince you that this will work for you?
Let me promote Bruce.
Message Clarity: a vision of a joyful and abundant life.
Positioning -why I am your Guide.
I have been where many of you are right now.
I have done much research to find why I was failing.
Empathy - I understand what you’re going through. We all have a story.
Authority - I’ve helped people for many years to understand to not think and do from circumstance.
To work from a future desire.
Certified Trainer. Experience in working with people.
If you’d like all of this done for you, so you can focus on the learning stages, let’s get on a “done for you” /” work with you” road map to six figures call and create your plan for you experience success. –
Book a chat? What Does
Success Look Like for you? Your dream life?
What is Your Future Self.
Fully booked business?
Well-known in industry (recognised)?
Making a great personal income?
Business is growing predictably and profit growing.
Spending more time with family and experiencing life?
The business of being a Personal Devlopment Coach will provide you with a full-time income, with part-time hours, from wherever you choose to be.
Avoiding Failure Statement:
Look, staying stuck, married to your circumstance, because that’s what you think is the case, will not create a result.
When in reality, you actually want more freedom and income.
Staying stuck is going to hurt your relationships, health and you will end up burning everything around you to the ground … and I know you don’t want that - right?
Your Transformation:
The result you want but do not have now.
Self Employed Job/retiree to Business Owner Controlling your own Income?
Agenda and Life?
The transformation processes.
desired outcome + no resistance = the result.
You will learn how to dissolve or work around your resistance to certain thoughts.
The Questions:
What keeps you awake at night (eyes open, staring at the ceiling)?
What are you afraid of?
What are you angry about?
Who are you angry at?
What are your top 3 daily frustrations?
What trends are occurring in your business or life?
What do you secretly, ardently desire the most?
Is there a built--in bias to the way you make decisions? (example: engineers = exceptionally analytical)?
What unique language do you use (lingo, technical jargon)?
What other people are selling something similar to this, and how do they do it.
The first few questions area yes/no/maybe.
Do you feel that your life has meaning and purpose?
Do you wake up every morning feeling excited about the day ahead?
Do you have a clear understanding of what your unique purpose is in life?
Are you passionate about the work you do and the life you live?
Do you know what your core values are (what is most important to you) in life?
Are your values in writing?
Do you feel that you are living a life that aligns with your values?
Do you regularly reflect on your values and how your life is going against each?
Do you consciously refer to your values when making big decisions?
Do you have crystal clear dreams for your future?
Have you written down your dreams on paper?
Have you shared your dreams with a trusted friend, mentor, or coach?
Have you set specific goals to make progress towards achieving your dreams?
Do you believe that your dreams are achievable?
Do you regularly act towards achieving your dreams?
Are your dreams aligned with your values, passions, and purpose?
How often do you review your dreams?
You want so much from life - which is why you're taking this quiz. How clear are you on where to start and what to do?
Rough idea
Do you have people in your life who strongly encourage you to pursue your dreams?
Do you regularly connect with a community of like-minded individuals who inspire you?
Do you have an experienced mentor or coach to help you discover and chase your dreams?
How do you FEEL after completing this quiz?
What if anything do you feel you need support with to help you create your dream life?
What areas of life do you feel you'd like to focus on improving?
Health / Fitness / Wellness
Career / Business
Personal Growth / Learning
Productivity / Planning
Family / Friends / Connection
Partner / Relationship
Money / Finances
Values / Passion / Purpose / Dreams
Have you participated or are you currently participating in any of ours or someone else's programs?
Would you like to have a chat?
No obligation. Just inspiration.
Take the leap - you've got nothing to lose.
Email me your answers: